duminică, 28 februarie 2016


Meet me at the station at seven o'clock
You know what I like and that I like 'em a lot
Let's go somewhere quiet where we can engage
Let's go somewhere rowdy where we can misbehave


Coz I'm a maker baby
I'm a maker

Life is how you take it don't you think
I'll walk you to work when you finish your drink
Life is how you take it and so on and so on and so on
Get me in for nothing so my night can go on, go on, go on


Coz I'm a maker baby
I'm a maker

Give me just a little bit
Give me an inch you know I'm taking it
And all of this time we spend talking shit
Baby it's all about making it

Coz I'm a maker baby
I'm a maker

Whispered in my ear for me to meet her outside
You konw that I'll wait coz I've been waiting all night
Everybody's leaving and we're moving back to mine
It's a beautiful evening for taking our time


Give me just a little bit
Give me an inch you know I'm taking it
And all of this time we spend talking shit
Baby it's all about making it

Coz I'm a maker baby
I'm a maker
Coz I'm a maker baby
I'm a maker

luni, 8 februarie 2016

Walk Unafraid

As the sun comes up, as the moon goes down
These heavy notions creep around
It makes me think, long ago
I was brought into this life a little lamb
A little lamb
Courageous, stumbling
Fearless was my middle name.
But somewhere there I lost my way
Everyone walks the same
Expecting me to step
The narrow path they've laid
They claim to
Walk unafraid
I'll be clumsy instead
Hold my love or leave me high.

Say "keep within the boundaries if you want to play."
Say "contradiction only makes it harder."
How can I be
What I want To be?
When all I want to do is strip away
These stilled constraints
And crush this charade
Shred this sad masquerade
I don't need no persuading
I'll trip, fall, pick myself up and
Walk unafraid
I'll be clumsy instead
Hold my love or leave me high.


If I have a bag of rocks to carry as I go
I just want to hold my head up high
I don't care what I have to step over
I'm prepared to look you in the eye
Look me in the eye
And if you see familiarity
Then celebrate the contradiction
Help me when I fall to
Walk unafraid
I'll be clumsy instead
Hold my love or leave me high.
Walk unafraid
I'll be clumsy instead
Hold my love or leave me high.

joi, 4 februarie 2016

"Tăceau unul lângă altul, mână în mână, lipiţi, orbi, fără de gând, fără trecut şi fără viitor, fericirea fiind splendoarea unui vid perfect ca şi al cerului."
— Ionel Teodoreanu –
Photo credit: Igor Bulgak

luni, 1 februarie 2016

"Un om care trăieşte în spiritul valorilor ce sprijină viaţa nu va încerca să dovedească nimic; nici sfinţenia, nici bunătatea, nici puterea sa. De aceea oamenii de acest calibru trăiesc mai degrabă în izolare, dar atunci cînd cerem exprimarea iubirii, s-ar putea să-i întâlnim, iar întâlnirea cu ei ne poate schimba viaţa."
  – Octavian Paler
