joi, 24 decembrie 2015


People are frightened by what they don't understand.”
– The Elephant Man – 

Photo credit: Anina-Bird

...but I'm not like the others. What about you?

luni, 21 decembrie 2015

duminică, 13 decembrie 2015

Love & Feeling

(Sexual attraction is confusing, maddening, euphoric, even dangerous.
It drives people to extreme behavior, even unspeakable crimes.
The beating pulse, the sweating palms, the rise of chemicals in the brain are the symptoms of a much deeper, more mysterious affliction.
The mechanism that chooses and controls the objects of sexual desire can only be found in the heart of the unexplained.)

Lonely sun, enough of lies
Sleeping naked in the night
Got to take it off my mind

Old enough to make you mine
I believe in human rights
Got to take if off my mind, off my mind...

And now you've got me here, aware
I see through the innocence
I know the way is getting hard

But I hold in line away to live
And you come close just a little bit
Now everything, it seems okay

  You know, you got me with the love and feeling
I know, my body cares only what to say
You know, you got me with the love and feeling
I know, my body cares only what to say

Old enough to see you're fine
Driving circles in my mind
Got to keep it all in line, all in line

Scrambling words to make you fall
Make you hear so you want more
Got to keep it all in line, all in line

And now you know, the less you give
The more I pull, the more I wish
Rapacious from the very start

But I hold in line away to live
And you come close just a little bit
Now everything, it seems okay

You know, you got me with the love and feeling
I know, my body cares only what to say
You know, you got me with the love and feeling
I know, my body cares only what to say
You know... love and feeling
I know... only what to say
You know, ooo... love and feeling
I know...only what to say

duminică, 6 decembrie 2015

luni, 23 noiembrie 2015

“You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life?”

duminică, 1 noiembrie 2015

Talk Is Cheap

Oh so, your weak rhyme
You doubt I bother reading into it
I'll probably won't
Left to my own devices
But that's the difference in our opinions

You're a mouthful
That amounts for another week on my own
Now I'm a novel made resourceful
I start a chain with my thought

Talk is cheap, my darling
When you're feeling right at home
I wanna make you move with confidence
I wanna be with you alone

Said help me help you start it
You're too comfortable to know
Throwing out those words
Oh, you gotta feel it on your own

Cold pain
I cannot sustain it
That's what I'm thinking
Not what I'm drinking

I hold up my ways
These thoughts are pervasive
It's not a statement
But peace can be evasive

You're a mouthful
That accounts for another week on my own
Now I'm a novel made resourceful
I start a chain with my thought

Talk is cheap, my darling
When you're feeling right at home
I wanna make you move with confidence
I wanna be with you alone

Said help me help you start it
You're too comfortable to know
Throwing out those words
Oh, you gotta feel it on your own

Talk is cheap, my darling
When you're feeling right at home
I wanna make you move with confidence
I wanna be with you alone

Said help me help you start it
You're too comfortable to know
Throwing out those words
Oh, you gotta feel it on your own

vineri, 23 octombrie 2015

"De ce am nevoie?"

"Sunt independentă, n-am nevoie de un bărbat care să-mi îndeplinească dorințele. 

N-am nevoie de un bărbat pentru a mă simți împlinită, n-am nevoie de un bărbat pentru a mă lăuda altora, pentru a spune că sunt într-o relație în care nu cred. Sunt liberă și acest avantaj îmi oferă avantajul de a-mi alege bărbatul pe care îl doresc, acel bărbat care îmi dă peste cap simțurile, le vrăjește și mă face să mă transform. Am nevoie de un om care să știe cum să mă îmblânzească, să iubească aventurile și să-mi iubească nebunia, felul de a fi și ochii.

Părinții mei întotdeauna mi-au spus să fiu independentă cu riscul de a-mi înspăimânta iubiții; n-am crezut până n-am realizat că bărbații se tem de femeile puternice pentru că sunt greu de controlat. Când dai de o femeie independentă, care are o muncă, care nu depinde de alții și își rezolvă problemele de una singură, realizezi că nu prea ai ce face! Te întrebi dacă mai este loc pentru tine! Majoritatea renunță și nu realizează că femeile puternice, independente și de succes sunt cele care ascund o mare nevoie de dragoste! Femeile puternice se topesc în brațele omului iubit!

Am întâlnit băieți, am întâlnit bărbați; da, există o diferență ca de la cer la pământ! Ajungi la un punct în care realizezi că meriți mai mult, că nu mai poți pierde timp cu relații fără rost, în brațele unui bărbat care pierde vreme în timp ce tu alergi pentru a-ți îndeplini un vis! O femeie independentă nu-și dorește cadouri sau să fie întreținută. Își dorește doar să fie iubită."

O femeie puternică își dorește un bărbat la fel de puternic, o evoluție în tandem. 

duminică, 18 octombrie 2015

I'm Into You

I got a feeling we are gonna win
Our bodies make it perfect
And your eyes can make me swim

Then again everything seems new
I can barely hold my tongue
To say the least I'm into you

And your eyes
Are saying more than we can talk and warmer than our bedroom sport
And your thighs
Are kisses from the outside, girl that's all I need

I'll take you down the other road
To breathe in something more

I'll find it harder to ignore
The things I want you for

I know you don't want
I love you can sing
The music was at the start
Dododododo dododododo dodo

The rhythm was all
I needed to hear
A woman can treat my heart
Dododododo dododododo dodo

When I press an ear up to your breast
I can hear the rhythm start
It's hard to tell our beats apart

So I hope you're listening right now
Cause I can barely hold my tongue
The sh*t we do could warm the sun

At night
Twisted in a melting fall and sleeping with the scratching claws
And your words
Let me know you're feeling me and seeing all the things I see

I'll take you down the other road
To breathe in something more

I'll find it harder to ignore
The things I want you for

I know you don't want
I love you can sing
The music was at the start
Dododododo dododododo dodo

The rhythm was all
I needed to hear
A woman can treat my heart
Dododododo dododododo dodo

I know you don't want
I love you can sing
The music was at the start
Dododododo dododododo dodo

The rhythm was all
I needed to hear
A woman can treat my heart
Dododododo dododododo dodo

duminică, 4 octombrie 2015


You're free
A lover sinking in the sea
And we
Will let the water fill our lungs
And sleep

Love, we go down, we go down
Breathe, it's over now, over now
We can love, we can love
We can love, we can love
And the birds will sing our song in Halcyon

You're free
A love is coming home to me
The sea
Will pull our bodies down into the deep

Love, we go down, we go down
Breathe, it's over now, over now
We can love, we can love
We can love, we can love
And the birds will sing out song in Halcyon
And the birds will sing out song

The birds will all sing out
The birds will all sing out
The birds will sing out song
The birds will all sing out

We can love, we can love
We can love, we can love
And the birds will sing out song in Halcyon 

luni, 28 septembrie 2015


And meet me there, bundles of flowers, 
We wait through the hours of cold 
Winter shall howl at the walls, 
Tearing down doors of time. 

Shelter as we go... 

And promise me this: 
You’ll wait for me only, 
Scared of the lonely arms. 

Surface, far below these words 

 And maybe, just maybe I’ll come home 

Who am I, darling to you? 
Who am I? 
Gonna tell you stories of mine 
Who am I?

Who am I, darling for you? 
Who am I? 
Gonna be a burden in time, lonely 
Who am I, to you?

 Who am I, darling for you?
Who am I? 
Going to be a burden

 Who am I, darling to you?
 Who am I?

I come alone here
 I come alone here

duminică, 13 septembrie 2015


Speak until the dust
settles in the same specific place
Light refused to go
Drink it from a cast and iron plate
instead of cold milk
was offered unripe
Instead of silence
considered craven

Nothing made it seem
hidden where the aging soil was pure
Pressed against the crease
Mountains become fragrant at the source
how can you stand this
exotic angle
I read it somewhere
that they would lie still

I remember how cloth hung
flexing with the forest clung
Half waist and high raised arms
kicking at the slightest form
I remember my first love
I remember my first love

Unrelied I was called
missing teeth out of favour
Nickel beach it was all
gathering by the sundial

I woke hard
I woke heavy
for the half way stop
Five whole hours in
when I woke hard
I woke heavy with the live or parts

I remember how cloth hung
flexing with the forest clung
Half waist and high raised arms
kicking at the slightest form
I remember my first love
I remember my first love

I remember my first love

Photocredit: windrides

duminică, 6 septembrie 2015

If I had a Boat

Golden, golden, golden river run
To the East then drop beneath the sun
And as the moon lies low and overhead
We're lost

Burn slow, burning up the back wall
Long roads, where the city meets the sky
Most days, most days stay the sole same
Please stay, for this fear it will not die

If I had a boat, I would sail to you
Hold you in my arms, ask you to be true
Once I had a dream, it died long before
Now I'm pointed North, hoping for the shore

Down low, down amongst the thorn rows
Weeds grow, through the lilies and the vine
Birds play, try to find their own way
Soft clay, on your feet and under mine

If I had a boat, I would sail to you
Hold you in my arms, ask you to be true
Once I had a dream, it died long before
Now I'm pointed North, hoping for the shore

Splitting at the seams
Heaving at the brace
Sheets all billowing
Breaking of the day
Sea is not my friend
And everyone conspires
Still I choose to swim
Slip beneath the tide

Once I had a dream
Once I had a hope
That was yesterday
Not so long ago
This is not the end
This is just the world
Such a foolish thing
Such an honest girl

If I had a boat, I would sail to you
Hold you in my arms, ask you to be true
Once I had a dream, it died long before
Now I'm pointed North, hoping for the shore 

luni, 31 august 2015

I Love Your Smile

Darling, I hate to see you
So angry with the world
If people want a piece of you
Then they're missing something for themselves.
Maybe it's selfish of me to look at you and say
"Come back to me girl I love and I'll stay.

Coz I love your smile
Yes, I love your smile
How I love your smile
More than you know

Sometimes I might seem cold holding back my sympathies
For people stories and people tell
Can so easily be believed.
The truth gets so distorted when everyone knows best
And sadness tends to find his friends
On the road to righteousness -
Darling, let's never be a part of that.

Coz I love your smile
I love your smile
Girl,I love your smile
More than you know

I don't know why
a laugh is hard to find
could it be all of our fears
that we hide behind?

Like bricks in the wall
I wanna see them
fall down!

Coz I love your smile
Yes, I love your smile
Girl, I love your smile
More than you know

Hey hey hey
I love your smile
Girl,I love your smile
When I love your smile
More than you know

Well, I love your smile
Cause I love smile, baby
You know what I mean

sâmbătă, 22 august 2015


Octombrie a zugrăvit pe cer
Un nor de argint, de plumb şi de oţel.
Tavanul unei camere de hotel
În care s-a-mpuşcat un pasager.

Miroase a igrasie din tavan,
Bucăţi de tencuială încep să cadă.
Octombrie îşi varsă ploaia rece în stradă,
Iar pasageru-şi spală rana în lighean.

Pe vârful unui bloc, o cioară
Sau poate pălăria neagră din cuier
A pasagerului ce-a vrut să moară,
Întreabă vântul cât mai e până la cer.

Miroase a igrasie din tavan,
Bucăţi de tencuială încep să cadă.
Octombrie îşi varsă ploaia rece în stradă,
Iar pasageru-şi spală rana în lighean.

Şi după câteva minute de tăcere
Coboară încet din blocul desfrunzit
Spre cimitirul din apropiere.
Probabil pasagerul a murit.

Miroase a igrasie din tavan,
Bucăţi de tencuială încep să cadă.
Octombrie îşi varsă ploaia rece în stradă,
Iar pasageru-şi spală rana în lighean.

Miroase a igrasie din tavan,
Bucăţi de tencuială încep să cadă.
Octombrie îşi varsă ploaia rece în stradă,
Iar pasageru-şi spală rana în lighean.

Miroase a igrasie din tavan,
Bucăţi de tencuială încep să cadă.
Octombrie îşi varsă ploaia rece în stradă,
Iar pasageru-şi spală rana în lïghean.

joi, 6 august 2015

Hold Back The River

Tried to keep you close to me,
But life got in between
Tried to square not being there
But think that I should've been

Hold back the river, let me look in your eyes
Hold back the river, so I
Can stop for a minute and see where you hide
Hold back the river, hold back

Once upon a different life
We rode our bikes into the sky
But now we're caught against the tide

Those distant days all flashing by

Hold back the river, let me look in your eyes
Hold back the river, so I
Can stop for a minute and be by your side
Hold back the river, hold back

Hold back the river, let me look in your eyes
Hold back the river, so I
Can stop for a minute and see where you hide
Hold back the river, hold back


Oh, oho, oho, oho, oho
Oho, oho, oho, oho

Lonely water, lonely water, won't you let us wander
Let us hold each other
Lonely water, lonely water, won't you let us wander
Let us hold each other

Hold back the river, let me look in your eyes
Hold back the river, so I
Can stop for a minute and be by your side
Hold back the river, hold back

Hold back the river, let me look in your eyes
Hold back the river, so I
Can stop for a minute and be by your side
Hold back the river, hold

Lonely water, lonely water, won't you let us wander
Let us hold each other
Lonely water, lonely water, won't you let us wander
Let us hold each other

sâmbătă, 1 august 2015


„Timpul ia totul cu el, fie că vrei, fie că nu. Timpul ia totul, timpul răpeşte ce este în jur, iar la final nu există decât întuneric. Uneori, ne întâlnim cu alţi oameni în întunericul acesta, iar alteori îi pierdem încă o dată.” 
– Stephen King –

 Photocredit: ArtByCher

vineri, 31 iulie 2015

The Only Thing Worth Fighting For

Waking up is harder
Than it seems
Wandering through these empty rooms of
Dusty books and quiet dreams
Pictures on a mantel
Speak your name
Softly like forgotten tunes just
Outside the sound of pain

Weren't we like a pair of thieves
With tumbled locks and broken codes
You cannot take that from me
My small reprieves your heart of gold
Weren't we like a battlefield
Locked inside a holy war
Your love and my due diligence
The only thing worth fighting for

Change will come to those who
Have no fear
But I'm not her, you never were
The kind who kept a rule book near
What I said was never
What I meant
And now you've seen my world in flames my
Shadow songs my deep regrets

Weren't we like a pair of thieves
With tumbled locks and broken codes
You cannot take that from me
My small reprieves your heart of gold
Weren't we like a battlefield
Locked inside a holy war
Your love and my due diligence
The only thing worth fighting for

marți, 14 iulie 2015


"Dacă aș închide totul într-o cutie
unde ai putea găsi
fie permanenta mea prezență
fie permanenta mea absență,
fără să știi ce e înăuntrul ei
ți-ai lua inima în mâini
și te-ai deschide?"

vineri, 3 iulie 2015

Eu pentru tine mă rog acum, natură

"Eu pentru tine mă rog acum, natură

Stau în genunchi, în iarba înaltă,
Şi pentru tine, eu mă rog natură,
Să supravieţuieşti în lumea mea modernă,
Să nu te piardă, a omenirii viitură.
Să-şi mai rămână falnici codrii înalţi,
Şi verde iarba din câmpie,
Iar florile să nu-şi piardă mirosul,
Şi minunatele culori,
Tot limpezi, izvoarele-ţi rămâie.

Stau în genunchi, în iarba înaltă,
Şi pentru tine, eu mă rog natură,
Să-i ţii în braţe, pe cei ce te iubesc,
Adevăraţi prieteni să-ţi rămână.
Să te preamărească păsările în cântul lor,
Şi trecătorul să uite să mai plece,

Iar copilaşi fugind, după mici fluturi,
Picioarele cu rouă să le spele,
Şi atunci când cad, împleticiţi prin iarbă,
Să nu plângă prea tare,
Că nu-i asfalt, e iarbă şi e rouă.

Stau în genunchi, în iarba înaltă,
Şi pentru tine, eu mă rog natură,
Să-ţi mai rămână mare a ta putere,
Să poţi să lupţi, cu cei ce rău-ţi vor,
Şi nu înţeleg că tu eşti o minune,
Căci vreau să te cunoască, ca şi mine,
Copiii, nepoţii şi stră şi strănepoţii,
Din generaţiile ce vor să vie."

Valeria Mahok (23 mai 1992) –

luni, 29 iunie 2015

I Found

I'll use you as a warning sign
That if you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind
I'll use you as a focal point
So I don't lose sight of what I want
I've moved further than I thought I could
But I miss you more than I thought I would
I'll use you as a warning sign
That if you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind

I found love where it wasn't supposed to be
Right in front of me
Talk some sense to me

I'll use you as a makeshift gauge
Of how much to give and how much to take
I'll use you as a warning sign
That if you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind

I found love where it wasn't supposed to be
Right in front of me
Talk some sense to me

marți, 16 iunie 2015

The Night

The night is riding its mares
Filling the air with lost slivers of life;
Its breath is leading you nowhere
Where the inner you is waiting for strife...

Open your eyes, but please,
Don't interrupt this ride...

The clouds are melting horizons
The world is thirsty but this night is a stream;
I'm up, but I'm not sure I'm awake,
This pastel looks rather like a dream...

Close your eyes, it's time to disappear,
Undress these useless clothes and shine!
The sky is getting closer this time
Feel the rain shivering down my spine...

The night is swinging its cradles
Singing a perfect tune but not a lullaby.
The moon is hiding behind clouds
Waiting for the right time to climb down from the sky

And I hear you whispering in my ear
That you don't want the dawn to crumble this dream
And I see your eyes are full of tears
You're not here right now or that's how it seems

Close your eyes, it's time to disappear,
Undress these useless clothes and shine!
The sky is getting closer this time
Feel the rain shivering down my spine...

duminică, 14 iunie 2015

Despre ploaie și alte lacrimi

"Ploaia nu știe să râdă
nici să plângă
deși unii ar spune că picură cu lacrimi.
Ea cade
cu amintiri de copii
privind-o pe geam de casă veche
și cu vise de iubiri ude
pe sub umbrele.

Fiecare strop
se zdrobește de pământ
ca o jertfă
pentru fiecare silabă
celor care și-au aprins fulgerele în tine
luminând, pentru o secundă,
camerele cu obloanele trase
în care nici deschisul pleoapelor
către soare
nu face lumină.

Uneori poți auzi
tunetul pe care l-au lăsat în urma lor
ca un ecou respins de atrii
diluându-se în lichidul
prelins pe piele
în picături incolore
care spală trecuturi murdare.

Ne place ploaia
pentru că ne botează
în cristelnița melancoliei
sinele ateu al lacrimii;
Ne place ploaia
pentru că se aseamănă
cel mai bine
cu atmosfera
din sufletul nostru."

Mihai Gavrilescu

sâmbătă, 13 iunie 2015

Granița-n raniță

Eu mi-aş băga
Graniţa-n raniţă, ţara în raniţă
Şi... gata

M-aş stabili
Lângă o altă graniţă, le-aş scoate din raniţă
Şi... gata

I-aş păcăli, că n-ar şti,
Că am o ţară în raniţă şi-o graniţă-n raniţă
Şi... gata

Eu mi-aş băga
Viaţa în raniţă

M-aş stabili
Lângă o altă raniţă
Şi... gata

Eu mi-aş băga
Graniţa-n raniţă, ţara în raniţă
Şi... gata

M-aş stabili
Lângă o altă graniţă, le-aş scoate din raniţă
Şi... gata

I-aş păcăli, că n-ar şti,
Că am o ţară în raniţă şi-o graniţă-n raniţă
Şi... gata

Eu mi-aş băga
Viaţa în raniţă

M-aş stabili

Lângă o altă raniţă
Şi... gata


Photo credit: myblissfulsoul

vineri, 5 iunie 2015

High Hopes

Broken bottles in the hotel lobby
Seems to me like I'm just scared of never feeling it again
I know it's crazy to believe in silly things
But it's not that easy

I remember it now, it takes me back to when it all first started
But I've only got myself to blame for it, and I accept it now
It's time to let it go, go out and start again
But it's not that easy

But I've got high hopes, it takes me back to when we started
High hopes, when you let it go, go out and start again
High hopes, when it all comes to an end
But the world keeps spinning around

And in my dreams, I meet the ghosts of all the people who have come and gone
Memories, they seem to show up so quick but they leave you far too soon

Naive I was just staring at the barrel of a gun
And I do believe that, yeah

But I've got high hopes, it takes me back to when we started
High hopes, when you let it go, go out and start again
High hopes, oh, when it all comes to an end
Now the world keeps spinning
Yeah, the world keeps spinning around

High hopes, it takes me back to when we started
High hopes, when you let it go, go out and start again
High hopes, oh,
And the world keeps spinning
Ooh, yeah, this world keeps spinning

How this world keeps spinning around

sâmbătă, 16 mai 2015

Pietre în alb

Vreau să aprind
Ultimul meu mal când nu mai simt
Şi luna-n ape negre ar tăcea
Să mă sting
Dus de valuri verzi în larg de mari
Singur cum eram când am venit.

Am să trec
Ca şi cum pe albe foi închizi un cerc
Şi mâna ta deprinde alt contur
Pot să iert
Sau pot să mint că pot să iert cumva
Când tot ce-a fost al meu va fi al altcuiva.

Al altcuiva…

Toate pietrele albe
Adună uitare
Şi tot ce e viu se stinge şi moare
Neagră uitare acoperă urma
Eşti sânge şi lut, viaţa ta-i una

Ai putea
Să te minţi ca voi fi tot aici cumva
Dar ştim atât de bine să uităm.
Dacă vrei
Două pietre în alb s-arunci nu să le iei
În gândul tău să nu mai fiu nimic.

Toate pietrele albe
Adună uitare
Şi tot ce e viu se stinge şi moare
Neagră uitare acoperă urmă
Eşti sânge şi lut viaţa ta-i una.

Toate pietrele albe
Adună uitare
Şi tot ce e viu se stinge şi moare
Neagră uitare acoperă urmă
Eşti sânge şi lut viaţa ta-i una.

duminică, 3 mai 2015


I did my best to notice
When the call came down the line
Up to the platform of surrender
I was brought but I was kind

And sometimes I get nervous
When I see an open door
Close your eyes, clear your heart
Cut the cord

Are we human or are we dancer?
My sign is vital, my hands are cold
And I'm on my knees looking for the answer
Are we human or are we dancer?

Pay my respects to grace and virtue
Send my condolences to good
Hear my regards to soul and romance
They always did the best they could

And so long to devotion
You taught me everything I know
Wave goodbye, wish me well
You've gotta let me go

Are we human or are we dancer?
My sign is vital, my hands are cold
And I'm on my knees looking for the answer
Are we human or are we dancer?

Will your system be alright
When you dream of home tonight
There is no message we're receiving
Let me know, is your heart still beating?

Are we human or are we dancer?
My sign is vital, my hands are cold
And I'm on my knees looking for the answer


You've gotta let me know

Are we human or are we dancer?
My sign is vital, my hands are cold
And I'm on my knees looking for the answer
Are we human or are we dancer?

Are we human or are we dancer?
Are we human or are we dancer?

luni, 27 aprilie 2015

Yesterday Was Hard on All of Us

Where do we go from here?
 Where do we go...
 Is it real or just
 Something we think we know

Where are we going now?
 Where do we go...
 Cos' if is the same as yesterday
 And now I'm out
 Just so you know

Because, because
 Our paths - they crossed
 Yesterday was hard on all of us...
 On all of us...

Who can we trust from here?
 Who can we trust...
 Are you real or just
 Something from one to lost

Who can you trust right here, sweet flower?
 Who can you trust...
 From the cradle to the grave...
 From ashes to ashes...
 From dust to dust...

Because, because
 Our paths - they crossed
 Yesterday was hard on all of us...
 On all of us...

Where do we go from here?
 Where do we go...
 We got nothing, we can't trust nothing
 We can sell us, for sure

How do we get out?
 How do we move around when all these eyes on us
 Turn you up - you go first
 Don't most like it's kinda rehearse, babe
 It's not...

Because, because
 Our paths - they crossed
 Yesterday was hard on all of us...

On all of us...

duminică, 26 aprilie 2015

Câte trepte?

Oare câte trepte
trebuie să mai creştem din noi,
oare câţi oameni
trebuie să se mai ghemuiască trepte
înaintea noastră,
oare câte mâini
mai trebuie împreunate în trepte
sub picioarele noastre,
oare câţi părinţi
trebuie să mai cadă în trepte bătrâne
de lemn sub ochii noştri,
oare cât suflet
mai trebuie cioplit în trepte
reci de piatră,
oare cât mai trebuie să urcăm
până la noi?

marți, 21 aprilie 2015

On the Road

When you are alone
Sitting on the pavement, hoping for a ride, dreaming away
Remember her hands
Touching the back of your neck like a breath of wind so real

Long time passing doesn't mean it's gone
That touch is still there and will never leave
As you did...

When you are alone
Walking on the wayside, asking for a ride, dreaming away
Forgetting that crap
"What will you do with your life if you won't work out your next day?"

Following the sun is not good enough
For taking your last breath with a smile on your face?
I won't spend my life confronting the real
What about living without established frontiers?

What about misty mountains in a sunset light?
What about drinking from a waterfall?
What about leaving people without telling goodbye?
We'll meet again, I'm sure

The cars still intersect, hypnotizing your memories
Those days lost forever you never forgot
Leaving all behind doesn't mean you don't miss
That child accidentally you're not anymore

What about laying on leaves and watching the stars
Preparing to fall asleep?
What about casual friends for a couple of miles?
Don't ask about the meaning anymore

luni, 20 aprilie 2015

Într-un semiton

"Muzica este
locul în care mă ascund
într-un semiton
de fiecare dată
când vreau să mă joc
de-a baba oarba
cu lumea
cu omul
cu mine însumi.
Muzica este
locul în care mă ascund
într-un semiton
de fiecare dată
când vreau să mă vindec
de singurătate."

Who You Are

I stare at my reflection in the mirror:
"Why am I doing this to myself?"
Losing my mind on a tiny error,
I nearly left the real me on the shelf.
No, no, no, no, no...

Don't lose who you are in the blur of the stars!
Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing,
It's okay not to be okay.
Sometimes it's hard to follow your heart.
Tears don't mean you're losing, everybody's bruising,
Just be true to who you are!
(who you are [11x])

Brushing my hair—do I look perfect?
I forgot what to do to fit the mould, yeah!
The more I try the less it's working, yeah
'Cause everything inside me screams
No, no, no, no, no...

Don't lose who you are in the blur of the stars!
Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing,
It's okay not to be okay.
Sometimes it's hard to follow your heart.
But tears don't mean you're losing, everybody's bruising,
There's nothing wrong with who you are!

Yes, no, egos, fake shows, like whoa!
Just go and leave me alone!
Real talk, real life, good love, goodnight,
With a smile that's my home!
That's my home, no...

No, no, no, no, no...

Don't lose who you are in the blur of the stars!
Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing,
It's okay not to be okay...
Sometimes it's hard to follow your heart.
Tears don't mean you're losing, everybody's bruising,
Just be true to who you are!
Yeah yeah yeah 

 Photo credit: nfaas

duminică, 19 aprilie 2015


canalii inocente
ce gustă din tine
Lăsând sângerând
Un suflet plăpând
Pierdut să se-aline
în locuri absente
de sentimente.

iluzii indecente,
siluete ascunse
ce-ţi bântuie gând,
omoară râzând,
iar când sunt atinse,
oferă tratamente,
cu sentimente.

plăceri iminente,
Atingeri perfecte
Şi priviri de azur
Într-un spaţiu impur,
Cuvinte incorecte
umplând pergamente
cu sentimente.

Sentimente în suflet, sentimente în gând,
Sentimente în trupul de iubire flămând,
Sentimente: canalii, iluzii, plăceri
Sunt doar agonie şi plâns şi dureri.
Să simți e păcatul nescris, dar ştiut,
A fi om - acesta-i tributul cerut."

They were kids that I once knew...

Tell me everything that happened
Tell me everything you saw
They had lights, inside their eyes
They had lights, inside their eyes
Did you see the closing window
Did you hear the slamming door?
They moved forward and my heart died
They moved forward and my heart died
Please please tell me what they looked like
Did they seem afraid of you?
They were kids that I once knew
They were kids that I once knew

I can say it but you won't believe me
You say you do but you don't deceive me
It's hard to know they're out there
It's hard to know that you still care
I can say it but you won't believe me
You say you do but you don't deceive me
Dead hearts are everywhere
Dead hearts are everywhere

Did you touch them
Did you hold them
Did they follow you to town?
They make me feel I'm falling down
They make me feel I'm falling down

Was there one you saw too clearly
Did they seem too real to you?
They were kids that I once knew
They were kids that I once knew

I can say it but you won't believe me
You say you do but you don't deceive me
It's hard to know they're out there
It's hard to know that you still care
I can say it but you won't believe me
You say you do but you don't deceive me
Dead hearts are everywhere
Dead hearts are everywhere
I can say it but you won't believe me
You say you do but you don't deceive me
It's hard to know they're out there
It's hard to know that you still care
I can say it but you won't believe me
You say you do but you don't deceive me
Dead hearts are everywhere
Dead hearts are everywhere

They were kids that I once knew
They were kids that I once knew
Now they're all dead hearts to you
Now they're all dead hearts to you
They were kids that I once knew
They were kids that I once knew
Now they're all dead hearts to you